
February 10, 1893 INDIAN HELPER, Carlisle Indian School Newspaper, p. 4.

February 10, 1893 INDIAN HELPER, Carlisle Indian School Newspaper, p. 4.
(Continued from First Page.)
Upon his appearance the Indian said:
"I found some money in the tobacco you gave me."
"Why didn't you keep it?" asked the white man.
"Because," said the Indian pointing to his breast, I have two men here.
One man says, 'It is not mine, give it back to the owner.'
The other man says, 'Keep it, it is ours.'
Then the one man say, 'No, no give it back, it is not yours,' and the other say, 'Yes, yes, it is yours, keep it.'
So I don't know what to do, and the two men inside keep talking all night, and they so trouble me I bring the money back and now I feel good."
These "two men inside" are Temptation and Conscience, and they are within you just the same as they are within the old Indian.
The bad man is Temptation, the good man Conscience, and they are talking together all the time for and against your duty, and prompting you to right and wrong.
Who wins?

From a Carlisle Graduate, Class '91.
There is so much of interest in the following kindly letter from Charles Dagenett, although it was intended to be strictly private, the Man-on-the-band-stand's chief clerk, to whom the letter is addressed, takes this opportunity (feeling that Charlie will forgive the liberty) to show the people of the world another Carlisle pupil who feeling gratitude knows how to express it. Esther Miller, to whom Charlie is married, is also an esteemed graduate of Carlisle, class '89.
The letter says:
"Sometime since I received the last Volume of the INDIAN HELPER and have neglected to thank you for the same, but I certainly am thankful for it.
I see by the little HELPER you heard I was married. So it is. There was a notice in the *Chief* of it at the time, if you had noticed it.
Esther and I were married November 30 last and are living very, very happily together; we have a very pleasant residence here and enjoy our work.
Esther is very proficient in the "Art Preservative" and is a great help to me, as I am now publishing the paper for the Miami Town Co. and have it all to do.
I am ever thankful to old Carlisle for having

taught me my trade. I am endeavoring to make use o
f it and by constant practice am adding a little to it all the time. I am enjoying splendid health here and am not confined to the office all the time.
I keep a team and buggy which affords us much healthful pleasure. I am ever mindful of the Captain's kindness to me. My fraternal love to all the printers and kindest regards to Miss Fisher and Mother Given.
I thank you many times for having taught me as much as you did of my chosen trade and owe you a great debt of gratitude for the interest you took in teaching me."
To have a strong head is good, but it is bad to be headstrong.
The worst use that can be made of success is to boast of it.
I am made of 9 letters.
My 8, 7, 4, 6 are what lumbermen get out of the woods.
My 4, 9, 3 is what every boy in the world is.
My 4, 5, 2, 3 is to get as a profit.
My whole is what Captain has promised to do tomorrow night if there is a clean record on English speaking.
Premiums will be forwarded free to persons sending subscriptions for the INDIAN HELPER, as follows:
1. For one subscription and a 2-cent stamp extra, a printed copy of the Pueblo photo advertised below in paragraph 5.
2. For two subscriptions and a 1-cent stamp extra, the printed copy of Apache contrast, the original photo of which, composing two groups, on separate cards (8x10), may be had by sending 30 subscriptions and 5 cents extra.
(This is the most popular photograph we have ever had taken, as it shows such a decided contrast between a group of Apaches as they arrived and the same pupils four months later.)
3. For five subscriptions and a 1-cent stamp extra, a group of the 17 Indian printer boys. Name and tribe of each given. Or, pretty faced pappoose in Indian cradle. Or, Richard Davis and family.
4. For seven subscriptions and a 2-cent stamp extra, a boudoir combination showing all our prominent buildings.
5. For ten subscriptions and a 2-cent stamp extra, two photographs, one showing a group of Pueblos as they arrived in their Indian dress and another of the same pupils three years after, showing marked and interesting contrast. Or, a contrast of a Navajo boy as he arrived and a few years after.
6. For fifteen subscriptions and 5-cents extra, a group of the whole school (9x14), faces show distinctly. Or, 8x10 photo of prominent Sioux chiefs. Or, 8x10 photo of Indian baseball club. Or, 8x10 photo of graduating classes, choice of '89, '90, '91. Or, 8x10 photo of buildings.
7. For forty subscriptions and 7-cents extra, a copy of "Stiya, a returned Carlisle Indian girl at home." Without accompanying extra for postage, premiums will not be sent.
For THE RED MAN, an 8-page periodical containing a summary of all Indian news and selections from the best writers upon the subject, address RED MAN, Carlisle Pa. Terms, fifty cents a year of twelve numbers. The same premium is given for ONE subscription and accompanying extra for postage as is offered for five names for the HELPER.

Transcribed weekly from the original by Barbara Landis / blandis@epix.net

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