
THE INDIAN HELPER, weekly newspaper of the Carlisle Indian Industrial School

Indian Industrial School, Carlisle, Pa.
VOL. VII. FRIDAY, January 15, 1892 NUMBER 18

Lines inscribed to an Indian Girl. One of the Oneida Tribe and
a Late Scholar of the Carlisle School, in Acknowledgement
For the Receipt of a Neat and Beautifully Wrought
Work-Basket, Sent by her to my Wife through the
Kindness of Sarah Bowman.

THE one that wove these meshes
Descended from a line,
That roamed the western prairie
Or mid the mountain pine,
Where wild luxuriant nature,
In all her glory stood,
The children of the fenceless plain,
The children of the wood;
Where fierce and hostile nations
(Their warlike course have run)
And now in love and friendship
Commingled into one.
From where the awful canons,
Repeat Colorado's roar
To where Columbia's rushing waves
Through the rocky Cascades pour;
From wild Puyallup's waters -
Tacoma's glacier flood
Or from the snow enameled heights,
Of dark Nevada's wood,
Where the Mohave and Apache
The Pawnee and the Ute,
With Dakota's tribes and nations,
And the daring, bold Piute,
Where the eagle-eyed Oneida
Undaunted met the foe,
As they trod the trackless forest
With the bold Tuckahoe;
The Cheyennes and Comanches
The Siwash of the dale,
Or where the roving Blackfeet
The Rocky Mountains scale;
Here children of the hostile tribes
Their warlike strivings cease,
Now rally round the standard
Of the holy Prince of Peace.
Instead of war and famine
Now peace and plenty smile;
Instead of roving pagans
The scholars of Carlisle.
Where the white man to the red man
Now lately has begun,
To make some small atonement
For the wrongs which he has done.
- C.S. Cope.

(Sent to us by a friend)

We all remember the genial face of the Rev. C.M. Tate and his earnest talks to us when he visited the school some three or four months since.
Rev. Mr. Tate is Superintendent of the Coqualeetza Home, Chilliwick, B.C.
Let us take a glance through a private letter recently received and see what overcame his little band of Indian boys and girls while their caretaker was away gathering information for their benefit, and let us take courage from the way they are moving along not withstanding their pathway seems to be strewn with difficulties.
Mr. Tate says:
"When within two days' journey of my destination I received the intelligence that our school buildings had been destroyed by fire, and consequently, our work very much upset.
However, I am thankful to say there were no lives lost.
Two women, temporarily employed to assist with the sewing, carelessly knocked a lamp off the machine and the burning oil ran under the wainscoting down the walls of the building.
We had to send most of the children to their homes.
But those who had no homes we have had to give shelter in our dwelling about twenty with the three teachers.
We are just commencing to erect a temporary building for present use; then we hope to put up a brick building in the Spring, with accommodations for 100 students.
After leaving you, we had an enjoyable time. Throughout Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, they found plenty of work for me - as much as ten services a week - so it was not much of a rest for me;
(Continued on fourth page.)
(p. 2)
The Indian Helper.
--> THE INDIAN HELPER is PRINTED by Indian boys, but
EDITED by The-Man-on-the-band-stand, who is NOT an Indian.
Price: - 10 cents a year.
Address INDIAN HELPER, Carlisle, Pa.
Miss M. Burgess, Manager.
Entered in the P.O. at Carlisle as second class
mail matter.
The INDIAN HELPER is paid for in advance,
so do not hesitate to take the paper from the
Post Office, for fear a bill will be presented.
Josie Vetter is still at the Netawaka Mission, Kan., and in a recent business letter says, "The longer I stay the better I like it."
A farm mother writes of one of our girls: "The farmers' Club met at my place this week and many of the members at the table spoke of our good bread, and when they were told that it was made by our A__ they seemed quite surprised and she was delighted to have it praised."
The *Red Man* for December and January will contain double the usual amount of reading matter. A valuable feature of the coming edition is the full proceedings of the Lawrence Convention of Indian School Superintendents and Supervisors. The discussions and papers are interesting and should be read by all interested workers for Indians.
The telegraph wires brought from Lawrence, Kans., Wednesday evening, the sad news of the death of Mrs. John D. Miles. Mrs. Miles has dear friends among our number who will greatly mourn her loss. Messages of condolence to the bereaved family were sent by Capt. Pratt and Miss Hamilton the same evening.
Walking home from the concert on last Friday evening, a lady heard one of our boys behind her say of another boy who was doing what was contrary to rules, "I'm not brave enough for that." She is sorry now she did not turn round and make the acquaintance of the speaker. She would like to shake hands with him and say, "You are mistaken, my friend. You are *too brave* for that. It is *not* brave to break a rule. It is more manly to respect it and yourself by *keeping* it, even when it is easy to break it." That's the stuff that makes brave men.
PREVENTION is better than *detection.* - H. R. Haweis.
Daily Calendars are the source of much instruction as well as entertainment. Some-

times the selection of the day rings out a clear note of warning, or sounds a deep tone of sympathy, or again so patly hits off a folly that one cannot help taking the advice good-naturedly. In the same line with the quotation just given, is the old adage familiar to every one, "An ounce of *prevention* is worth a pound of cure." Remember that sixteen ounces make a pound, which makes *prevention,* according to the saying, worth sixteen times as much as cure. The author of the sentiment cannot now be given, but its common sense is so pain that it might have been said by anyone and is certainly endorsed by everyone.
Miss Stanton says in a private letter: "If I see any of this in the HELPER, I'll ___ I'll ___; etc," but we can't refrain from giving the item to her friends that Miss Stanton was one of the delegates from the Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kans., to attend, at Arkansas City, recently, the first Convention of Indian Teachers ever held in this country, and she thinks the plan a good one. All were profited by the discussions, and by the experiences of co-workers, and brought out during the convention.
The girls expect to meet tonight for the first time in their new society room which has been made in their new society room which has been made as attractive as they have conveniences for making a room attractive up to date. Commissioner Morgan, when he was here a few weeks ago, said the room ought to be carpeted and that is what the Man-on-the-band-stand thinks. But where is the carpet? The society girls deserve a NICE room
Miss Webster, formerly of Wabash Institute has joined the corps of workers at Sisseton Agency, S. Dak., where Misses Ella and Bessie Paterson are. She speaks in the highest terms of Etta Robertson, class '91, who is a credit to Carlisle. Miss Webster was a pupil of Miss Semple, years ago.
It only takes five tons of coal a day to run the large boilers, which supply the heat for the various departments of our institution. Had we to rely upon old-time methods, it would require twice as much coal to secure the same amount of comfort.
A new tank has been placed in the boiler house, which will supply the boilers with water. It is expected that better results will be obtained with it and that there will be an end to the annoying mishaps with the heat which we have sometimes suffered.
It isn't every day we can have the opportunity of hearing a world renowned pianist, and we will appreciate the performance to be given on the 25th by Constantin Sternberg. Miss Nana Pratt who has heard him says he is superb.
(page 3)
Where is that cold wave?
The snow has about disappeared.
Shall we put away our sleds for good?
Lat week it was winter, this week Spring.
Miss Cummins is down with the measles.
Capt. Pratt, after a week's illness is again out and on duty.
Miss Campbell has gone to Pittston, to attend the funeral of a cousin.
Thanks for the "Object Lesson on the Watch," sent by an unknown friend.
We have the name of having the pleasantest printing-office in this vicinity. We are high, dry and airy.
Company C was the banner Company last week in the girls' quarters - there were no absences at roll-call.
The girls are very grateful to the "Sunshine Scatterers" for $11 to be used in furnishing periodicals for the Reading Room.
Miss Fisher gave a party to the Post-graduates on Saturday night, and it is needless to say that all had a good time.
Mr. Reighter is now at work on graduating suits for the nine young men, who will have completed the course in February.
The interior of the girls' quarters is trying to keep company with the new dress of paint, Mr. Norman and his boys doing the work.
The farewell reception given by Miss Fisher on last Thursday evening in honor of Mr. J.B. Given was one of the nice times to carry in one's memory. She was assisted by Misses Bender, Botsford, Paull, and Merritt.
Henry Phillips has gone to his far-way Alaskan home, we hope some time to return to Carlisle or enter some other institution where he can follow out the natural bent in mechanics, which in his case is an inborn talent.
Mr. Walker, who has been ill for some time, was on Wednesday evening brought from his home in town to the hospital at the school. It is hoped that with the better facilities for treatment here, he will speedily recover.
Several of the ladies and quite a number of our pupils enjoyed a skate at the cave on Saturday, but the occasion came near having a sorrowful end when Robert Hamilton and Joe Gordon broke through the ice in a deep place. They were rescued with great difficulty.
The blacksmiths have moved into the shop formerly occupied by the harness-makers, the latter having gone into the old printing-office quarters. The floor left by the printers is an eyesore to Mr. Kemp and his boys, and the last heard from they were substituting elbow-grease for the grease found, resulting in a sad mixture of ingredients.
LATER - It is the wagon-making part of the blacksmith shop that has moved into the old harness shop. The blacksmithing will be carried on in quarters not being fitted up in one end of the old ware-house.

To the RIGHT!
When you pass a person on the walk.
Gymnastic drills have been resumed.
We run great risks when we are careless about getting our feet wet.
When news is scarce, and ideas short with the M.O.T.B.S. leads are plentiful.
Second edition: We stop the press to say that winter is again upon us, and snow is falling fast.
Jason Betzinez and William Long made a good job of shoeing the two fine Percheron colts at the near farm.
The schools are beginning to think seriously of Commencement, which comes next month.
The setting of the Lawrence Conference proceedings makes the fingers of some of the printers sore.
Spencer Smith, Brigman Cornelius and Bunn Armstrong have returned from their farm homes.
The painter boys have oiled and blacked the irons of twenty one desks and placed them in the Girls' Society Room.
The printing office is thinking of running a telephone line to the boiler room below, so that we can request the engineer to give us water.
The Large Boys' Library will soon receive an addition of 250 books, thirty of which are already here. They are all first-class works and will no doubt be eagerly read.
During the illness of Mr. Walker, Phillips white and Thomas Kose have charge of the tine-shop. This should proved good training for them in the art of managing a business
The hash-cutter at the hospital became disabled and Lewis Caswell came bravely to the rescue by skillfully forging a new one which does excellent work. Three cheers for Lewis!
Mr. Given left on last Friday for Bethlehem, instead of Poughkeepsie as was stated in the last issue of the HELPER. He takes a short preparatory course and expects to enter Lehigh University in the Fall.
Miss Caryl was summoned to Washington to the sickbed of her mother. The sad news of her death having since been received, Miss Caryl has the sympathy of her friends at Carlisle, in this her great trial.
While doing some threshing at the near farm last Monday morning the engine which was on duty at the printing office during the summer, gave out. The failure was not due to the grippe, but to the fact that the pumping apparatus could not grip the water.
The school will be given a great treat on Monday evening, January 25, when the eminent pianist, Mr. Constantin Sternberg, will give a musicale in the Assembly Room. The reputation of Mr. Sternberg is world-wide and an enjoyable evening is anticipated. A limited number of invitations to be present on this occasion has been issued to friends of the school.
(page 4) (Continued From the First Page.)
and yet perhaps the change of work was beneficial.
I enclose $1.00 for ten copies of the INDIAN HELPER, which some of our young people are anxious to get.
We send Christmas greetings to the-man-on-the-band-stand, and trust the 1892 will produce an abundance of spice for his literary piece.
Please remember me to your noble staff of teachers; and will you please convey my regards to all the students.
I trust the day is not far distant when many of them shall be filling the important positions - state and national - of your great country; and why not?
Of course it will be grand to fill the presidential chair, but grander still to be an humble messenger of Jesus to carry the glad tidings of salvation to those who sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death.
How many of your young men and young women will give up their hearts to God, and become missionaries of the cross?
"When I was a little boy," said a great gentleman one day to a friend with whom he was talking, "I paid a visit to my grandfather.
He was an aged man, and wore a black velvet cap and knee-breeches, with large silver buckles at the knees.
When I went to say good-bye to him, he took me between his knees, kissed me kindly and laying his hand on my head, said: 'My dear boy, I have only one thing to say to you. Will you try to remember it?'
I looked him in the face and said, 'I will, grandpa.'
'Well,' said he, 'it is this:
This was my grandfather's legacy to me.
It was worth more than thousands of silver and gold.
I have never forgot the words, and have tried to act upon them."
He who receives a good turn should never forget it; he who does one should never remember it. -[*Charron.*
Labor to keep alive in your heart that little spark of celestial fire called conscience. -[*Washington."

It is not the INDIAN but the MAN we want.
At the Mohonk Conference, last October, Samuel Townsend now attending the Dickinson College Law School, showed the true spirit of Carlisle, when he said in an address before the Conference:
I believe in education, because I believe it will kill the Indian that is in me and leave the man and citizen.
I believe education will give the Indian the right to vote.
I believe in the Indian learning the English language; one people one language, that is my idea.
I contradict the statement the only good Indian is a dead Indian.
The only good Indian is an educated Indian.
Only by education can he compete with the white man.
"if there is one thing upon the earth that mankind love and admire better than another," said an eminent man, "It is a brave man' it is the man who dares to look the devil in the face and tell him that he is the devil."
I am made of 11 letters.
My 7, 5, 1, 2, 6 is what kills the mind as well as body.
My 10, 4, 3, 9, 8 is the subject of a Biblical parable.
My 5, 4, 11, 9 is a beautiful flower.
My whole is when our boys and girls look best, in the eyes of the M.O.T.B.S.
Premiums will be forwarded free to persons sending subscriptions for the INDIAN HELPER, as follows:
1. For one subscription and a 2-cent stamp extra, a printed copy of the Pueblo photo advertised below in paragraph 5.
2. For two subscriptions and a 1-cent stamp extra, the printed copy of Apache contrast, the original photo of which, composing two groups, on separate cards (8x10), may be had by sending 30 subscriptions and 5 cents extra.
(This is the most popular photograph we have ever had taken, as it shows such a decided contrast between a group of Apaches as they arrived and the same pupils four months later.)
3. For five subscriptions and a 1-cent stamp extra, a group of the 17 Indian printer boys. Name and tribe of each given. Or, pretty faced pappoose in Indian cradle. Or, Richard Davis and family.
4. For seven subscriptions and a 2-cent stamp extra, a boudoir combination showing all our prominent buildings.
5. For ten subscriptions and a 2-cent stamp extra, two photographs, one showing a group of Pueblos as they arrived in their Indian dress and another of the same pupils three years after, showing marked and interesting contrast. Or, a contrast of a Navajo boy as he arrived and a few years after.
6. For fifteen subscriptions and 5-cents extra, a group of the whole school (9x14), faces show distinctly. Or, 8x10 photo of prominent Sioux chiefs. Or, 8x10 photo of Indian baseball club. Or, 8x10 photo of graduating classes, choice of '89, '90, '91. Or, 8x10 photo of buildings.
7. For forty subscriptions and 7-cents extra, a copy of "Stiya, a returned Carlisle Indian girl at home." Without accompanying extra for postage, premiums will not be sent.
For The Red Man, an 8 page periodical containing a summary of all Indian news and selections from the best writers upon the subject, address RED MAN, Carlisle Pa. Terms, fifty cents a year of twelve numbers. The same premium is given for ONE subscription and accompanying extra for postage as is offered for five names for the HELPER.
Transcribed from the original by Barbara Landis-- http://www.carlisleindianschool.org There is a discussion page and blog linked among the menu options on the web pages.

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