
News of Returned Students to Pine Ridge Agency, Nov 1892

From my most recent INDIAN HELPER transcription, pp 1-4 of the November 18, 1892 issue:
(photo courtesy of Neokistomi)

"What opportunity did you have of seeing the Indians while you were at Pine Ridge?" asked the Man-on-the-band-stand of Capt. Pratt.
"I was on the Pine Ridge Reservation for ten days and during that time, in company with my friend Capt. Brown, who is the Army officer in charge there at present, I visited every one of the six farm precincts, travelling in all several hundred miles among the Indians."
"Did you find them discontented and ready to go on the war party, as a dispatch sent the rounds of the papers, recently, said they were?"
"I saw nothing that would warrant these incendiary dispatches. The Indians are well scattered over the reservation, most of them living in log houses, and owning horses and cattle. In our rounds, sometimes an old Indian would begin to talk over old troubles and treaties he claimed the Government had not kept, and would try to bring up imaginary wrongs, when Capt. Brown would interpose such questions as these:
"Have you got your winter wood hauled in?" "You told me you were going to chink and daub your house. I see it is not done yet, you had better hurry as cold weather is upon us." "Have you branded your calves?" etc., and then the Indian would immediately change his tune and talk about things of a practical nature."
"Then Capt. Brown seems to understand his business," said the Man-on-the-band-stand.
"He certainly does. Capt. Brown is doing a wonderful work among those people. More than he will ever receive credit for. He often rides from dawn of day till late at night, visiting maps fifty and a hundred miles from the agency. He knows his Indians by name. He knows what they are *doing.*
They see his great interest in their progress and have respect for him."
"Have they stopped dancing?"
"They still have Omaha dance houses and hold Omaha dances therein."
"Is it the Ghost Dance?"
"Not at all. It is a dance that the Sioux long years ago adopted from the Omahas. It should be broken up, as Capt. Brown intends doing gradually, or as soon as he can succeed in getting them interested in work. WORK is his panacea for restive Indians, and he is making them believe that they have ability and power in industial [sic] lines as well as in dancing. The dance will soon cease if Capt. Brown holds the reins."
"About our pupils. Is it true as some who pretend to know a great deal say, that they have all gone back to the blanket?"
"Thirteen years ago when Carlisle was started I was sent to Pine Ridge Agency for pupils. I brought from there 17 boys and girls. I made inquiry about each one and found their record as follows:
Frank Twiss has been at work for the Agent nearly ever since his return. He is now the butcher, painter and tinsmith, has always done well, is unmarried, is the owner of sixty-two head of cattle and three horses.
Robert American Horse has been catechist under Bishop Hare for seven years. His record is without blemish. He is just now away at some church school to improve his education.
Guy Burt was a scout and helper about the Agency; died three years ago. Generally did well.
Lucy Day has done well at times. Her surroundings as well as the surroundings of all are greatly at fault.
Maggie Stands Looking, now Mrs. Belt, is teaching school. Out of an enrollment of thirty two, thirty one of her pupils were present, and if one may judge fairly from such a brief visit, Maggie is doing good work. Her husband was somewhat educated in reservation schools, is the policeman of that district and is a good part of the force which secures such good attendance.
Roger Cloud Shield, after going back to the Agency, desired very much to return to Carlisle; was not permitted to do so, and after being home about a year, committed suicide.
Clarence Three Stars has borne an excellent reputation throughout all the eight years since his return to the Agency. For a number of years he was one of the most faithful employees in the Government boarding school. For two years he clerked in the trader's store. No young man would desire a better reputation than was given to me by those who employed him and knew of his work. Last February he was appointed to take charge of a remote day school and in August married Jennie Dubray, one of our pupil teachers here until last June. Jennie is now the assistant teacher in her husband's school. I visited the school and found Jennie teaching and Clarence with his coat off, at work fixing up the grounds, getting ready for winter. Clarence teaches in the forenoon while Jennie does up the house work and directs and helps make clothing for the girls; Jennie teaches in the afternoon, and Clarence attends to the outside work. The school house, the home, the children, the teachers and all the surroundings were as complete, pleasant and satisfactory as could be expected under such Indian camp reservation influences.
Edgar Fire Thunder learned something of the blacksmith's art during his five years at Carlisle. When he returned home he was appointed assistant blacksmith at the agency and filled that position for seven years. He was then appointed assistant farmer for one of the out districts. Edgar has a herd of thirty-six horses, forty-three cattle, is married and has two children. Every one spoke in his favor.
Hattie Long Wolf graduated from Carlisle last June and through the interest of Mrs. Cook, the widow of Rev. Chas. Smith Cook, formerly Indian clergyman at the Agency, Hattie has entered and is now a student in the Normal school at Madison, S.D.
Amos High Wolf learned something of the wood working part of wagon making at Carlisle and has been a good faithful worker at that or something else ever since his return home. He was full of push and energy as I saw him, and was just building himself a house. Is married and has three children.
Wallace Charging Shield never had good health. He returned to Carlisle for a second term, but was compelled to relinquish it before his time expired. He is now herding cattle and horses, has worked some in the Agency boarding school; has always borne a good character.
Alice Long Bear was well spoken of. She is married to a Mexican.
Paul Black Bear managed the tin shop at the agency for a time; was highly spoken of for his ability. After the Wounded Knee affair, he travelled with an Indian Medicine Company for some time, but is now a soldier in one of the Indian companies stationed at Fort Omaha.
Andrew White, Lawrence Black War Bonnet, Bennet Red Owl and Lulu Bridgman have all died.
Lizzie Glode is happily married to Frank Sherman; is a good wife and mother; husband is farming. They have twenty-five head of cattle and three horses.
Of the seventeen, six have died, a number are now among the foremost of the progressive influences at the agency, and none are absolutely bad now.
Considering the surroundings and the upheaval on the reservation two years ago, all are doing far better than we might expect."
"Thank you, Captain for what you have told me thus far;" said the Man-on-the-band-stand. "My little paper is now full, but sometime I hope to have another talk, and perhaps you will tell me more of what you saw and heard."
"I have given you the essential points," said the Captain, "but shall be pleased to answer more questions, at any time."
The HELPER gave a similar report in the March, 1891 issue (just 3 months after Wounded Knee)

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