
Places where CIIS kids had fun: Lewis Rocks, now known as Tumbling Run


Lewis Rocks, Tumbling Run, site near early Carlisle Indian School camp


Aug 12, 1892 Notes from INDIAN HELPER weekly “letter.”

Lewis Rocks

Camp Rip Raps

Apple fritters, prune pies and blackberry puddings

Great many snakes killed

Camp lies 5 miles from the railroad, uphill all the way.

At the mouth of Tumbling Run, under the shadow of Lewis' Rock

No houses within 4 miles

Otto Wells (Comanche) is in charge of the mule and "thinks more of it

than of himself."

One mule to haul supplies and passengers.

   “It is therefore no wonder that a gentleman from Carlisle not long since, seeing the un-level road he had to travel from the station, and being unaccustomed to tramping wanted to hire a vehicle to convey him up to camp. Finding none, however, he was obliged to tramp it like the rest of us.

   Should there be a picnic down at Pine Grove and the cooks all want to go, a new force is put in, one a cripple and the rest as green as gourds as far as cooking is concerned, and they get up a half-cooked dinner, entirely indigestible, while those at the school are having the idea that the camp boys must be "getting fat."

   Our camp being located on a slope, those who are not careful as to the exact levelness of their beds are inclined to roll down hill.   Our camp is located so far back in the mountains affords us beautiful and wonderful scenery. 

   Waterfalls are innumerable

   So enticing is the scene that one being here invites our Carlisle photographer over to take some views.

   So on a bright sunny morning all start for a favorable spot o have a few pictures taken, each anxious to have his own form taken with these beautiful waterfalls.


   On Monday afternoon the campers had a scare. Just over Lewis' rock smoke was seen to rise. It looked as though the mountain was on fire. Reuben Wolf was sent out with a looking glass to find out. If it were a fire and the campers were needed to help put it out he was to flash a signal.

Fortunately no signal was flashed as the fire was down near Mt. Holly.

 Aug 26, 1892 Indian Helper


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